Sister Claire Jutras

“Come, my beloved, you are precious in my eyes, and I love you.” Is. 43:4

July 1, 2009, Sr. Claire Jutras,
her religious name, Sr. Marie Colette,
went home to the House of our Father.
She was 91 years of age and had been professed for 62 years.

Born in La Baie du Febvre, Yamaska County, Quebec, Claire was the second of twelve children, born to Théobald Jutras and Cécile René. “I had five aunts who were religious, whom we often visited. I loved their spirit of peace and serenity.  When I was thirteen I had a desire to follow them; however, the work of their Congregation did not attract me.”

Before entering our Congregation, Claire studied with the Sisters of the Assumption.  For seven years she taught thirty-two children, in nine divisions, in the rural school of her village.  This active woman found time to help out in the Parish caisse populaire (the local bank).

Following a closed retreat in Nicolet, and after happening to read an article in a newspaper, she made her way to our Motherhouse.  She was twenty-six years old and wanted to teach. 

For twenty-one years she taught primary, secondary, and adult education full time and later part time. She was in charge of Catholic Action and a missionary club.  Specialized in French language teaching, Sister received the following testimony from a former student in Grade 11: “You not only teach us but you also show us how to live our faith.”

With declining health she had to make a change in her activities. Successively, she became a treasurer, then an aide secretary, and an aide to the pharmacist. She worked for a period of six years in the library of the Dominican Fathers, and then in the Catechumenate of the Archdiocese of Montreal. At seventy-one Sister Claire was obliged to retire, but she continued to render service to her companions as much as she was able, and deepened her love for the Eucharist.  It was He who often heard her repeat:  “I want to see you and to be filled with your presence.”  Sr. Claire now has  her desire fulfilled.