SNJM Jubilarians

Each year, the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) of Quebec honor those who are celebrating their jubilee years of religious life. This year’s event will highlight the 60th, 70th, 75th, 80th and even the 85th anniversaries of the Sisters of the province as well as the 25th anniversary of Associate commitment.

This festive Community celebration offers tributes and gratitude to each jubilarian along with extending wishes for a year of blessings and graces. Celebrations are planned for Friday, September 13, 2024 at Maison Jésus-Marie.

Congratulations to the SNJM 2024 jubilarians!



Sister Charlotte Leduc



Sister Carmen Leduc

Sister Armande Marien

Sister Rita Thauvette



Sister Germaine Blouin

Sister Raymonde Collin

Sister Pierrette Désilets

Sister Jeannine Leboeuf

Sister Gilberte Trudeau



Sister Jacqueline Boudreau

Sister Louise Danis

Sister Lise Gendron

Sister Monique Gendron

Sister Aline Hébert

Sister Ghislaine Lebeau

Sister Liette Lessard

Sister Évelyne Major

Sister Madeleine Marchand

Sister Marjorie Moffat

Sister Gilberte Therrien



Ms. Lourdes Laxa

Ms. Margaret Martell




Congratulations to the SNJM 2023 jubilarians!

Sister Jacqueline Desaulniers

Sister Yolande Laberge


Sister Marguerite Bonhomme

Sister Rachel Leclerc

Sister Marthe Poliquin

Sister Simone Tessier


Sister Simone D’Astous

Sister Huguette Désourdy

Sister Gisèle Lizotte

Sister Pierrette Panneton

Sister Pierrette St-Yves


Sister Michelle Gouin


Ms. Léa Cardinal

Ms. Carole Lefebvre


Congratulations to the SNJM 2022 jubilarians!


Sr Juliette Messier

Died during the year


Sr Jeannine Thiffault

Died during the year

  Sr Thérèse Cadorette  

Sr Candice Rodrigue

Died during the year

Sr Lorraine Beauchamp Sr Lorraine Bouffard Sr Yolande Dufresne
Sr Réjeanne Foucreault Sr Jeanne Lebeau
Sr Maryse Moisan
Sr Lucette Paquin   Sr Armande Thouin
Sr Éliane André Sr Micheline Beaulne
Sr Monique Bonin
Sr Suzanne Brault Sr Gisèle Croteau
Sr Marie-Paule Demarbre
Sr Phyllis Douillard
  Sr Ruth Fournier
Sr Béatrice Landry   Sr Blanche Proulx

SNJM 2021 Anniversary Capsule


Sr Corona Lepage


Sr Germaine Baril

Sr Thérèse Belisle

Sr Teresa Burgess

Sr Rose-Éva Cadorette

Sr Marie-Paule Provost

Sr Madeleine Sauvé


Sr Bernadette Lemire

Sr Marie-Claire Morin

Sr Pauline Remi

Sr Rita Rivet

Sr Madeleine Tanguay


Sr Lise Bluteau

Sr Liliane Chartier

Sr Lorna Cooney

Sr Monique Gemme

Sr Constance Létourneau

Sr Lise Marleau


Ms Jean Albert

Mme Louise Cailhier-Quenneville