SNJM in Solidarity With the Community

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The SNJM’s community solidarity operation in support of the Halte Marie-Rose was a great success. “It is remarkable to see the great generosity of the Sisters, who contribute their pocket money to this Fall campaign,” said Marianne Daudelin, coordinator of community activities and services at Maison Jésus-Marie (MJM).

The gift bags are accompanied with a short message of good wishes written by the Sisters.

In addition to donating money, a large number of Sisters enthusiastically took part in the gift bag-wrapping session. This activity took place on December 10 in the cafeteria. As well as inserting a variety of useful items, we added jewelry and gift cards from well-known low-price stores.

This year, the operation will bring a little cheer to the hearts of many people who come to Halte Marie-Rose from Le Moyne and Greenfield Park. Sr. Suzanne Lavallée and Sr. Hélène Harvey baked a few dozen doughnuts, while one of the MJM hairdressers made nine dozen maple sugar cones!

Supporting a crossroads of solidarity

In addition to these delicacies and the forty or so gift bags, the operation at  MJM provided a $500 voucher  for  a particular grocery store to help pay for the food for the Christmas meal, organized by Halte Marie-Rose. This financial aid was supported in part by the proceeds from the recent craft show held in the fall.

The SNJM solidarity operation also included Geneviève Noël, a member of the lay staff of both SNJM administrations, presenting 50 gift cards to Christiane Lafaille, of the Halte Marie-Rose.

Another form of support, mainly financial, was given to Halte Marie-Rose through the commitment of both lay staff members and the Provincial and General SNJM administrations.

La Halte Marie-Rose is a parish project, officially launched on October 6, 2018, the date of Blessed Marie-Rose’s birth and death. The project acts like a neighborhood house, offering a wide range of activities and services. It is a place of welcome and openness to others, regardless of gender, religion, origins or age. It is aimed at lonely people, young people, families, new arrivals and senior citizens.

Before the launch of the Fall solidarity campaign, an information session is always held for the SNJM community. Christiane Lafaille, initiator and coordinator of Halte Marie-Rose, took the opportunity to talk about the project’s motivations and background. She also dwelt on the positive impacts of this crossroads, notably in terms of individual self-esteem and the establishment of a social fabric based on mutual aid.

Mrs. Christiane Lafaille (right) was greeted by Mrs. Marianne Daudelin (center) and Sr. Lisette Boulé (left) at the information meeting held at Maison Jésus-Marie.

We can say on discovering this operation that the mission of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) is still very much alive in the hearts of the Sisters.

Photos credit: Sisters Hélène Harvey and Suzanne Brault