Called To Serve…

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In a meaningful ceremony, Carmen Arnold made her initial promises as an SNJM associate in the chapel of Maison Jésus-Marie (MJM) on December 14.

The event was the culmination of Ms. Arnold’s year-long spiritual journey with the SNJM group of English-speaking associates. She also participated in the entire Thresholds of Transformation process, which ended last spring.

Brenda Brisebois

The commitment ceremony, under the theme “Called to Serve”, was led by SNJM Associate Brenda Brisebois. Following the words of welcome, songs, prayers and a Gospel reading, the commitment ceremony took place. The simple and meaningful ritual recalled the mission entrusted to the associate to “share the charism and spirit of Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher.”

“Be a rose…”

After pronouncing her promises, the new SNJM associate was presented with a medal  of Marie-Rose Durocher, foundress of the Congregation and faith educator,  by Sr. Denise Riel, and a rose from Sr. Claudette Bastien. “Carmen, like Marie-Rose, be a rose with a perfume pleasing to the Lord.”    

Cheerful and expressive by nature, Ms. Arnold offered a few words of gratitude. She noted that Marie-Rose Durocher is her ancestral aunt on her mother’s side of the family. This gave the audience an insight into the background of this woman, who clearly expressed her joy at being part of the SNJM family.

Carmen Arnold

For the many Sisters present in the chapel and all those who attended in their rooms, as well as the many English and French-speaking associates, this celebration was experienced as a moment of grace. “It was so beautiful.”  A few days later, several Sisters were still expressing their enjoyment. “The celebration was very well prepared and very moving.”

Christmas concert

The atmosphere was festive after the ceremony. Those present gathered with their lunches and ate together before getting ready for the afternoon Christmas carolling concert.

Many people couldn’t believe that, finally, they could celebrate in person. It has to be said that the pandemic and the successive waves of COVID outbreaks in December disrupted the schedule of these gatherings, which had been cancelled the past three years.

Judging from the happy faces, this was a moment of joy that warmed hearts of all present.

Photos credit: Sr. Pat O’Neill