UNANIMA International Presents Some Signs of Hope

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Hope is the common thread running through the latest UNANIMA International (UI) newsletter. Despite the harsh facts about the state of our world, with its conflicts, extreme climatic phenomena and their disasters, Executive Director Jean Quinn, fdls, highlights the many real signs of hope in this year 2024, while echoing the prophetic words of Pope Francis “Christian hope… is very important, because it does not disappoint. Optimism disappoints, hope does not!…”

To nurture this hope, the publication highlights an event held in Frascati, Italy last October to launch a multi-faith, women-led climate action network.

The 12th session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12) attracted record attendance. The theme of the event’s, “Just like home”, underlined the importance of local action to meet the challenges of the lack of adequate housing, rising urban poverty and lack of access to basic services.

The 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) is also the subject of an article. We learn about the role of Liana Almony, the NGO’s deputy director, who participated in and co-sponsored parallel events.

There is also information regarding the objectives surrounding the 2025 World Social Summit, especially related to inclusion, social protection, education for all… And we learn about the recent virtual meeting of UI board members, which featured a presentation on a climate action movement given by its founder, Mary Robinson, Ireland’s first female president (1990-1997) and former United Nations High Commissioner.

The issue concludes with the presentation of two community testimonials that illustrate the diversity of commitments by religious Congregations around the world. These include the food program run by the Sisters of the Holy Union in Cameroon, and a testimonial by a survivor of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, who had been helped by the Religieuses de Jésus-Marie (RJM).