A Look at Intercultural Solidarity in “Rencontre” Magazine

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The fight against racism is the focus of a feature in the “Rencontre” magazine, published by the Centre culturel chrétien de Montréal in conjunction with Black History Month in February. It also mentions solidarity with the Haitian population and introduces us to the Centre Afrika. This organization welcomes Africans living in Montreal in a spirit of intercultural solidarity.

In the December issue, we reflect on Christmas and the Epiphany, “where shepherds and magi symbolize humanity near and far.”  As in other issues, the Current Affairs section highlights aspects of hot topics (in French only).

This time, we talk about the causes and impacts of the American election. We also turn our attention to Burkina Faso, where the Islamist movement is disrupting the recognized religious harmony of this West African country.

The Art section features works by James Wilson Morrice and Léonel Jules. We also feature an interview with Caroline Mailhot, a doctoral student in religious studies, whereby she explains the role spirituality can play in the treatment of psychosis.

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) of Quebec support the Christian Cultural Centre of Montreal. This non-profit organization positions itself as “a place where various points of view and analyses converge on the major contemporary challenges arising from the encounter between faith and culture”. The organization publishes four issues of its magazine to “promote dialogue between faith and culture.”

In each issue, the SNJMs submit a message related to one or other of the themes covered. This time, they reaffirm their stance on racism and denounce hatred and violence (page 33).