More Active Than Ever, CATHII Celebrates 20 years

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There was no shortage of action over the past year for the Comité d’action contre la traite humaine interne et internationale (CATHII) (Action Committee against the internal and international trafficking of human beings), as the annual report shows. In her opening remarks, IsaBelle Couillard, sgm, underlines the presence of signs of hope.

Catherine-Laure Juste and Sister IsaBelle Couillard in front of an MP’s office. Photo credit: CATHII – Renaude Grégoire

In particular, she talked about the countless meetings and links with international organizations. The President also recalled the actions taken with government authorities to adopt and improve laws to better protect victims and survivors.

CATHII supports organizations working with migrant workers, for example, on the issue of open work permits. The Action Committee continues its advocacy work to obtain a provincial anti-trafficking plan from the Quebec government.

Training the younger generation

The annual report also highlights the success of the CATHII-University program at the UN. This program enables young academics from all disciplines to learn about the various facets of human trafficking, both here and around the world.

Among the players in this field, CATHII is noted for the addition of this “education” component since 2020. Some sixty academics from all walks of life have attended the training sessions, in addition to taking part, for a few days, in the activities of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the UN in New York.

The program will celebrate its fifth anniversary in 2025. Those in charge are planning a special event in the Spring to bring together all CATHII-University participants at the UN. In addition to festive elements, the event will feature a session focusing on intervention practices with victims of trafficking.

Alongside this inspiring Quebec initiative, the report also points to a similar approach by Talitha Kum with its “Ambassadors” program, which reaches all member countries of this international coalition. Among the “Ambassador” participants is Sofia-Elena Ranke-Farro, a partner on the SNJM Québec Justice and Peace Committee, who is also involved with CATHII.

20 years already!

In short, reading this annual report is a way of discovering all the facets of the actions undertaken by the organization, created by religious congregations working in Quebec in 2004.

At the same time, to better grasp how far we’ve come, the organization has published a special newsletter to mark its 20 years of existence (in French only). Activities are planned for 2025 to celebrate this anniversary. CATHII is a recognized conversation partner across the country, with all governmental and ecclesiastical bodies (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops).

Photo credit: CATHII – Renaude Grégoire