Marie Girardin’s Commitment as a Lay Consecrated Woman: a means of living her faith to the fullest

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The celebration of Marie Girardin’s perpetual commitment as a consecrated laywoman took place on June 8. “It was a moment of grace, very touching and very simple,” said the woman who found the way “to live my faith serenely at the end of my life”. 

The presence and teaching of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) followed her throughout her life. Becoming an associate of the SNJMs, then following the path to becoming a consecrated laywoman, was a matter of course for Marie Girardin. After several renewals of the vow of celibacy, she asked to take a permanent vow.

“I consider myself married to Jesus. I belong to God permanently with the inspiration of SNJM values,” adds Marie, fulfilled by her personal journey, supported by several SNJM Sisters throughout the years. “I did this whole process for myself, to feel good, without any pretension of being perfect, far from it.” She admits that the process has helped her change her way of life, training her, in particular, to “be more attentive to people and to be non-judgmental.”

Some of the attendees at the consecration ritual.

Inspiring others to remain “alive and active”

This former director of the La CASA residential center, set up by Monsignor Hubert, has not lost her motivation to “be there for the love of others.” Despite her physical limitations, she is determined “to do everything I can to help”.

Anne-Marie Montpetit, SNJM associate

She is involved In her residence for seniors, over 80% of whom are losing their autonomy. Whether it is organizing activities such as the weekly rosary, or fostering moments of sharing during gardening, for example, she encourages her neighbors, inspiring them to remain “alive and active”, while at the same time, trying to break the sense of insecurity that troubles many of them.  

“I want to defend their rights and improve their lot,” says Marie, concluding, ”I’m lucky to be able to live my faith within the SNJM family”.

The official commitment ceremony took place in the chapel at Maison Jésus-Marie (MJM). Several people participated in this celebration, including Anne-Marie Montpetit, SNJM associate and animator for the event. Following the readings, the rite of permanent commitment as a consecrated lay person took place, whereby Marie made the private vow of chastity in celibacy.

This form of commitment allows a lay person to offer their life to Christ and collaborate in the mission of the SNJM Congregation by living in the world as a celibate single person or widow.

Marie Girardin, consecrated laywoman, with members of her family, SNJM Sisters and affiliates.

Photos credit: Sr. Suzanne Brault