History Page – Death of Mother Marie-Madeleine (Henriette Céré)

Mother Marie-Madeleine is one of the first three sisters of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) Congregation. As the titular teacher of family and youth at Rang de la Savane in Longueuil, Henriette Céré joined Mélodie Dufresne (Mother Marie-Agnès) and Eulalie Durocher (Mother Marie-Rose) at the time of the foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM).

Very affected by the sudden departure of Mother Marie-Rose (1849) and then Mother Marie-Agnès (1881), she continued her work with creativity.  Mother Marie Madeleine transmitted with fervor and intelligence her art of teaching novices and professed sisters. She also participated in the foundation of the Convent of Saint-Timothée (1848). She died at the age of 80 on January 9, 1885.

For more information, consult her biography.