175th anniversary of Mother Marie-Rose Durocher’s death

October 6 is a memorable date for the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM). It marks both the date of birth (1811) and death (1849) of the Congregation’s founder, Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher. The year 2024 adds an additional touch, marking the 175th anniversary of her death.
Prayer intentions will be integrated into the Sunday mass held at the Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue co-cathedral on October 6. Those attending will also be able to pay their respects at the Marie-Rose chapel (right transept), where her tomb is located. They will be able to discover many facets of the history of the founder and the congregation through displays featuring QR codes and web links. A display of artifacts related to the SNJM mission is also available.
On the same day, a mass will be celebrated at Maison Jésus-Marie (MJM), with texts and songs related to Mother Marie-Rose. A moment of prayer is also planned for 4 p.m. in the MJM chapel.
Inspiring prophetic vision
Mother Marie-Rose, superior of the first Canadian Congregation of women religious teachers dedicated to the education of girls in the countryside, shared her prophetic vision. From its foundation, the SNJM Congregation, focused their pedagogy on encouraging and empowering students to learn rather than focusing on punishment. We strive to develop the growth of the whole person
Beginning in the 1960s, the SNJM’s followed the inspiration of Blessed Marie-Rose in responding to new needs. It has collaborated in many causes for justice and continues to do so in solidarity with current challenges:
- Corporate stands on the trafficking of women, access to drinking water, migrants and refugees,
- Working in collaboration with NGOs, literacy, immigrant reception and human rights organizations.
- Spiritual and psychological accompaniment and parish work.
A prayer to commemorate this anniversary is often used.
Loving God, you called Eulalie Durocher into life
and you led her to places she would never have imagined.
You called her by a unique name known only to You.
You made her aware of the slightest movement
of the Spirit,
You shaped her path according to the rhythm of your calls.
You gave her the strength to commit her whole being
to following Jesus and Mary
with love, trust and openness.
We give you thanks
and ask you to strengthen our gift of self each day. Amen.