Robert Lebel’s New Album Includes the Song “À l’appel de nos vies”.

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The theme song of the 35th General Chapter of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM), “The Call of Our Lives”, is featured on Robert Lebel’s latest album. The launch took place December 7 at Sanctuaire Marie-Reine des Cœurs in Montreal.

Robert Lebel in concert with Sr. Violaine Paradis, cnd.

As generous as ever, the singer, while performing several tracks from his new CD, let himself be carried away by the magic of the venue and the warm atmosphere.

During the presentation of the song associated with the SNJMs, Robert Lebel underlined the invaluable collaboration of Sr. Lorna Cooney. Among other things, he mentioned the extent to which the theme of the SNJM General Chapter in 2021 had touched and inspired him. “A unique call for a bold response”, he recounted, much to the delight of the dozen SNJM Sisters present at the launch. “That remark fueled our sense of pride,” confided Sr. Cooney.

Tribute to several saints, including Marie Rivier

The launch of Robert Lebel’s latest album was under the honorary presidency of Sister Angèle.

This event, mc’d by Sister Angèle, quickly evolved into a mini-concert. Between each piece, Robert Lebel explained the context and his sources of inspiration. This new album brings together songs commissioned by several Congregations and organizations. The CD includes lyrics and a brief description of each track.

The song Un évangile ouvert (An open gospel) recalls the challenge of Marie Rivier, foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary. “Be a source that always gives without drying up.”

The album also contains an ode to Kateri, the first Aboriginal saint to die at Kahnawake in 1680. Un cœur de compassion pays tribute to the spirit and words of another Quebec saint, Marguerite d’Youville, foundress of the Grey Nuns of Montreal.

To discover the many tracks on this new album recorded with the Chœur du Plateau and to find out more about Robert Lebel’s activities, visit his website (in French only).

Photos credit: Robert Lebel