Sister Thérèse Rivet
“The day will come Lord, when I will marvel at your presence.” Ps 17
January 12, 2009, Sister Thérèse Rivet,
her religious name, M.-Antoinette-du-Rosaire,
went home to God at the age of 88.
She had been professed for 60 years.
Daughter of Rosario Rivet and Antoinette Despins, she was the eldest of five children.
After having been an elementary school teacher for 25 wonderful years, Sister Thérèse served as the provincial treasurer and bookkeeper in the Montreal Province. She was always generously available when needed. Later, she was admitted into the infirmary at our Motherhouse in Outremont and subsequently moved to Maison Jésus-Marie n Longueuil, Quebec. She lived her life in prayer and loving simplicity.
One of her friends smilingly said: “Thérèse, all those numbers that you checked and calculated, now form the sparkling crown that is awaiting your arrival in Heaven where your soul will contemplate the God of Justice and Love.
You added and subtracted so much during your lifetime,
perhaps you will be chosen to calculate all of our merits. . .”