Sister Jean Ann Livesey
“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters,
that you do unto me.” (Mt 25:40)
May 18, 2012, Sister Jean Ann Livesey
in religion Francis of the Cross
went home to God.
She was 78 years old and had been professed
for 53 years.
Born in Montreal, Quebec,
she was the youngest of 3 children of
Cuthbert Livesey and Jean Mill
Jean Ann attended Saint Aloysius Elementary School and then Saint Dominic’s High School both of which were administered by the Holy Names Sisters. She then worked in an office for four years until 1956, when, at the age of 21, she entered the Novitiate and made profession two years later.
Jean Ann’s teaching career spanned 35 years serving at: Holy Names High in Montreal, Our Lady Queen of the World in Mackayville (Laflèche), Mount Holy Names in Outremont and Vincent Massey High in Montreal. Her love for teaching and her creative style in the classroom led her to be recognized and appreciated by colleagues and students alike. “She was a wonderful and inspiring teacher…one of the best…a gentle and warming spirit to us all…”
In 1993, Jean Ann retired from teaching and became involved in other ministries within the Congregation. Having a “good head” for finances and management, she worked at the General Administration of the Congregation in Longueuil which led to her being appointed General Treasurer in 1997, a post she held for seven years. Throughout the years, she served on several financial committees at both the General and Province levels.
Jean Ann was very perceptive of the needs around her, in the neighborhood, in her parish Saint Brendan’s, with our Associates and Sisters. Whenever she could help out, she did. Her welcoming smile and warm personality helped others to feel comfortable and at ease. She was also a great storyteller who left out few details. She seemed to have boundless energy despite her fragile health.
Jean Ann loved to work in the garden, an activity she found to be peaceful and enriching and “where she did her best thinking”.
Many expressed their love, admiration, and gratitude for having known Jean Ann. “Jean is one of the most generous persons I have ever met.” “I always enjoyed listening to Sister Jean’s stories, watching her expressions, and hearing her laugh. Her kindness and non-judgmental nature is something that I will never forget.”
Three biblical passages served as guiding lights for Jean Ann: “The truth will set you free.” (Jn 8:32), “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (Jn 14:6) and“Walk humbly with your God.” (Mic 6:8). She lived her life to the full as expressed by the title of a poem by Dawna Markova:
“I Will Not Die an Unlived Life”