Sister Irène Deland

“Sing to the Lord a new song, sing his praises”.  (Ps. 149)

October 16, 2009, Sister Irène Deland, her religious name, Marie-Aline, 
went home to God. 
She was 92 years old and had been professed for 68 years.
Born in L’Acadie, St-Jean, Quebec,  
she was the youngest of 10 children of Rémi Deland and Sylvie Lefebvre.

It has been written that Sr. Irène “was a peace-filled woman, faithful to her community and entirely self-giving to her Lord and to his Church.  Her life is an unfinished symphony, filled with resounding riches.”

For 44 years, she enthusiastically and with passion, taught singing and piano in several boarding schools – the last 18 years at the Vincent D’Indy School of Music.  She also had a particular talent for playing piano by ear.

Her students appreciated her and admired her exceptional competency and she in turn felt supported by their efforts.

Later, a serious irreversible auditory problem, causing sound distortion, prevented her from hearing the music.  At that point, Sister Irène faced this new situation with great detachment and generosity.

For 12 years, she offered quality service in both the regular library and the music library at the Vincent D’Indy School of Music. During the six years she was in the infirmary, the last four at Maison Jésus-Marie in Longueuil, she continued her ministry of prayer, offering up her sufferings without complaining.

Sister Irène,blessed with a warm personality, had many good friends.  She was known as the beloved of God.