Sister Denise Billette

“Unless you become like little children you will not enter the Kingdom of God.”  Mt 18:3  

March 27th, 2009, Sister Denise Billette,
her religious name, Sister M. Cécile-Éléonore
went home to God at the age of 89.

She had been professed for 65 years.

 Born in St-Louis-de-Gonzague, Quebec, she was the seventh of thirteen children.
Her parents were Oscar Billette and Éléonore Labelle. 

During a span of 41 years, Sister Denise taught elementary school-aged children at schools in Montreal, Waterloo, Disraeli and Howick.  She also taught at Mont Jésus-Marie, a private boarding school in Outremont.  She was also the sacristan at most of those convents.  Her colourful sense of humour brightened up each day. 

During the last 20 years of her active life, she served the community in many ways, and always with a spirit of simplicity and kindness.  Due to her declining health she moved to Maison Jésus-Marie in Longueuil. 

Throughout her life, Sister Denise dedicated herself to two particular activities: helping Sisters who were visually impaired and writing monthly letters to the SNJM missionaries and former students who became missionaries. In reference to the words of Pope John XX111, “Open the doors.”  Sister Denise once wrote:  

“I live out those words by opening the door of my heart through prayer, contemplation in action and trying to love as Jesus loved.”