Sister Aline Sauvé
“My heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced.
This Jesus whom you crucified, God has raised from the dead.” (Acts. 2, 26 and 36)
March 31, 2012, Sister Aline Sauvé,
in religion Marie-Anne-Laurette,
went home to God.
She was 96 years old and had been professed for 75 years.
Born in Valleyfield, Quebec, she was the daughter of Désiré Sauvé and Marie-Anna Montpetit.
Aline studied with the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary at the Valleyfield Boarding School, and then taught for two years in the School Commission of that area before entering the Novitiate at the age of 20. She had been greatly influenced by the witness to religious life given by the Sisters.
Happy to participate in the work of our foundress Blessed Marie-Rose-Durocher, Sister Anne-Laurette taught for 34 years in our primary and secondary schools in Montreal, Contrecour, Beloeil, the South Shore,… in our boarding schools in Maskinongé, l’Épiphanie, St-Louis-de-Gonzague, after which she returned to Montreal: to École Marie-Immaculée and Pensionnat Mont-Royal. She specialized in mathematics and was often an assistant at the JEC (Jeunesse Étudiante Catholique/Young Christian Students). She gave the best of herself as an educator and mentor.
Sister Aline left teaching at the age of 57 to help out at our Provincial financial office as well as at the Motherhouse for 22 years. She also was the local leader for one of the groups of our sick sisters for a period of 6 years.
“Blessed with numerous talents, she was always ready to put them at the service of others. Gracious and cheerful, she was welcoming to all those who came to her”.
When the time came for her to retire, Sister Aline served the community in whatever way she could. She loved to sing and when she became ill and was in our infirmary, she participated in the choir’s practices and concerts, singing with gusto and enthusiasm!
Very modest in her personal writings, Sister Aline wrote: “Sharing daily in the Eucharist is what brings me the greatest happiness.”
Until the very end, the mystery of the Lord’s death and resurrection remained her source of hope.