Fleurette Descent, SNJM Consecrated Lay Person
“My beloved is mine and I am His” Cant. 2:16
On November 2, Fleurette Descent,
Associate and SNJM Consecrated Lay Person,
went home to God.
Fleurette was born on March 3, 1929. As a twin sister, she weighed only 3 pounds at birth. She grew up on the family farm and did her share of the work there. When she was 18, Fleurette united herself to the Lord through a private vow of celibate chastity.
Attentive to the turn of events, she sacrificed her desire to become a Sister and chose to take care of her mother who had cancer, all the while working as a teacher who sought to ensure the full development of her students.
The two priorities in Fleurette’s life could be summed up as: God and neighbor – God, with whom she had an intimate and enduring life; Neighbor: her family to whom she was always available, her friends, her colleagues in teaching, her students, her parish, those who were disadvantaged and different organizations.
“Fleurette deeply loved the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (…) and the Sisters loved Fleurette. She lived the same values as their foundress Marie-Rose Durocher.”
On June 15, 1979, Fleurette made her commitment as an SNJM. Associate. She was one of the first to enter into this new form of association. Just recently, on September 29, 2012, Fleurette reaffirmed her vow of chastity which she had lived for more than 60 years by committing herself as an SNJM consecrated lay person.
Fleurette leaves us the witness of a radiant love between God and herself.