Valleyfield Convent. 1866-1969
In 1866, the convent was located at the corner of the streets de l’Église and de la Fabrique. In 1873, a new convent was built near the church on the south side of de l’Église (Church) Street.
1933 = fire. 1934 = reconstruction a little west of corner of Church Street and Larocque Road.
On the premises of the convent were housed:
Mgr-Émard Normal School (L022a). 1908-1968
Jesus-Marie High School. 1970-1979
Music classes. 197_-1996.
1981 = SNJM infirmary + Richelieu social services center.
1996 = sale.
SNJM Sisters, between 1887 and 1963, also worked at:
Sainte-Cécile Parish School
Saint-Nom-de-Marie School, later known as Sainte-Cécile School (old college)
Village School (corner of Jeanne-Mance and Marie-Rose)
Northern District School
Bellerive District School
New Salaberry School
Salaberry Regional High School
Jesus-Marie High School
Marie-Rose School, later known as Notre-Dame de Bellerive School. 1896-?
Notre-Dame-de-Fatima School
Sacré-Coeur School
Garneau School
Saint-Joseph School
Saint-Nom-de-Jésus School, later known as Saint-Laurent School. 1887-?
Even when they no longer lived in the convent, SNJM Sisters continued to work in teaching. See Bellerive Residence (L1971.11).
Saint-Nom-de-Jésus School. Valleyfield (QC). 1887-?
would become Saint-Laurent School
* See Valleyfield Convent (L022)
Saint-Nom-de-Marie School. Valleyfield, QC 1891-?
would become Sainte-Cécile School (old college)
* See Valleyfield Convent (L022)
Marie-Rose School. Valleyfield, QC 1896-
would become Notre-Dame de Bellerive School.
* See Valleyfield Convent (L022)