Word Sunday

“Becoming familiar with the Word” and working to create a year-round habit of “becoming more intimate with Sacred Scripture and the Risen One” are some of Pope Francis’s profound motivations in dedicating the third Sunday in Ordinary Time to a time of celebration, reflection and proclamation of the Word of God.

In his apostolic letter (Motu proprio — “Aperuit Illis”) on September 30, 2019, the Pope expressed that this “day dedicated to the Bible wants to be not ’just once a year,’ but an event for the whole year…”. He also stressed the accessibility of the Word to all God’s people. “The Bible cannot just be the heritage of a few…”. On the contrary, “the Bible is the book of the Lord’s people who, in listening to it, pass from dispersion and division to unity. The Word of God unites believers and makes them one person.”

Establishing this Word Sunday as part of the Week for Christian Unity is a way of bearing witness to the ecumenical dimension of the Word of God. “Celebrating the Sunday of the Word of God expresses an ecumenical value, because Sacred Scripture indicates to those who listen to it on the path to follow in order to achieve authentic and solid unity.”

The text chosen this year is the story of Jesus walking on the sea, according to the Gospel of Matthew (14:22-33). Discover Pope Francis’ apostolic letter in English, Spanish and French.

A pastoral guide with additional resources is available for this Word Sunday. It has been prepared by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (Washington, DC).