A colloquium on the working conditions of women temporary migrant workers will be held in Montreal on May 4 and 5. Organized by the Table inter dénominations de pastorale auprès des travailleuses et des travailleurs migrants agricoles (TIDPTMA), this colloquium will focus on the various initiatives put in place to defend their rights. Pastoral and theological perspectives will also be presented.
The Inter-Denominational Table brings together the United Church of Canada, the Assemblée des évêques du Québec, the Diocese of Montreal, the Institut d’étude et de recherche théologique en interculturalité, migration et mission (IERTIMM) and the Réseau d’aide aux travailleuses et travailleurs Migrants agricoles du Québec (RATTMAQ)
In the current context, this initiative to take stock of the situation of temporary migrant women workers is timely.