Pope Francis invites the Church to celebrate Laudato Si’ Week

The 2023 edition of Laudato Si’ Week marks the 8th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical to address the ecological crisis. Since then, Catholics around the world, in parishes and small groups, have been working together to promote sustainable development.

Inspired by the messages of the encyclical, many are participating in reflection groups, deepening their commitments and sharing their good works.

The theme of this week of activities is “Hope for the Earth. Hope for Humanity” is the theme of this week’s activities, with the film The Letter as the highlight. This film highlights the story of four “social poets” invited to travel to Rome to meet with Pope Francis. It is hoped that more screenings of this film will be held during the week of activities to fuel discussions and to participate in the broad movement of awareness and action.

“I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affects us all.” – Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, 14