Human Rights Day

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights celebrates its 75th anniversary on December 10, 2023. The United Nations (UN) considers this document to be one of the world’s most significant commitments. This founding document proclaims, “the inalienable rights of every individual as a human being, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” According to the UN, this is a source of inspiration for all countries called upon to promote the universal exercise of human rights.

At a time when challenges are multiplying with pandemics, conflicts, climate change, growing inequalities, racism, etc., the UN would like to create a high-level event this December to raise awareness of global commitments and ideas to support a long-term vision of human rights.

Visit the 75th anniversary website, which offers a variety of relevant information on human rights, including video vignettes involving people from all walks of life. You can also read the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights here.