Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

It is under the theme “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls” that the 67th edition of the Commission on the Status of Women is held.

This edition marks a return to in-person sessions at the United Nations headquarters in New York. However, the organizers have kept the hybrid approach so that some participants can attend a part in presence and another part in virtual. This will be the case for the delegation of about ten people from the CATHII – Université à l’ONU program.

The annual event serves to strengthen advocacy for the equality of women and girls within the UN and its member states. It is also a place to learn about advances made in various parts of the world through presentations by participants. At the same time, this Commission promotes networking and information sharing on the actions of many feminist organizations, NGOs and civil society representatives in favor of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

In short, this is an important time to gather extensive documentation on many aspects. From one year to the next, there is some progress, although sometimes there are notable setbacks, particularly due to unforeseen events such as pandemics and conflicts. Find out the facts and figures on women’s leadership around the world.

 *CATHII (Action Committee against Internal and International Human Trafficking)