Invitation To a Handicraft Exhibition/Sale To Support Current Missions

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The handicraft exhibition is back again this year in the lobby of Maison Jésus-Marie (MJM) from October 19 to 23. The event is open to Sisters, SNJM affiliates and the general public. It has a dual purpose: to raise funds to support the missions of local organizations, and to showcase the talent of the Sisters and lay people who knit and make numerous items throughout the year.

Every year, the knitting fairies create tuques, mittens, scarves, slippers, stockings, shawls and many items for children and babies (sweaters, blankets, various sets). Other craftswomen create Christmas decorations and ceramic items.

This exhibition/sale is a concrete way of living out both the theme of Mission Sunday “Burning Hearts, On the Move!” and that of the theme of this year for the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) in Quebec, namely: “Creating Space for the Future.” As Sister Suzanne Lavallée, who oversees this activity, points out, “We’re still on the move… thanks to the skillful hands of our Sisters and lay friends.”

This activity fits well with the message delivered recently during the reflection on the theme of the year, “The future comes from where we are. It materializes from the actions, values, and beliefs we’re practicing now. We’re creating the future everyday by what we choose to do.” (quote from Margareth Whealey)

We invite you to visit this exhibition/sale, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., from October 19 to 23 at Maison Jésus-Marie (MJM).