Ninnavita: A Place For Volunteers to “Recharge Their Batteries”

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The experience of the pandemic has amply demonstrated the relevance of organizations to help people, particularly to maintain “our mental, physical and spiritual health” as emphasized by the organization Ninnavita, founded by Ms. Vita Lewis, SNJM Associate, with the help of others.

Created by and for volunteers, Ninnavita’s mission is to support volunteers wherever they are and in whatever field of activity they are involved in. “We offer a place for volunteers to relax, to “recharge their batteries” and to  nurture all aspects of their being, says Vita Lewis, as enthusiastic as ever.

 Tools to nourish the mind and body while having fun

The weekly activities are offered in a hybrid mode to facilitate their accessibility and to maintain links with all members, including older members who cannot always attend in person. The activity offerings are very varied. There are light physical and motor skills exercises which include walking. There are laughter yoga sessions, drawing, communication and leadership activities as well as dance classes.  Ms. Lewis hopes that the dance program will provide funding for other activities offered at Ninnavita.

In order to nurture the spirit, “The Gospel Adventure” virtual meeting is an opportunity to share Ignatian Spirituality.

The organization’s flexibility in organizing and holding its activities is greatly appreciated by participants. For example, grandparents who take care of their grandchildren during pedagogical days can still take part in Ninnavita’s meetings, as the organization modulates its program to include interesting elements for the children.

The goal is always the same: to provide volunteers with ways to nourish their minds, but also their bodies in order to maintain their vitality and to foster intergenerational relationships. Of course, all this while having fun, because Vita Lewis believes these enjoyable activities should be available to as many people as possible.

Source photo : Ninnavita