UNANIMA INTERNATIONAL: Hopeful avenues despite many challenges

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The latest newsletter of the non-governmental organization (NGO) UNANIMA International provides a portrait of the actions taken in the framework of several committees and commissions of the United Nations (UN). It highlights the many challenges facing our societies. Although the findings are sometimes disturbing, Executive Director Jean Quinn, FDLS, emphasizes the encouraging signs while affirming that “We are people of hope”.

In this overview of recent activities, the newsletter highlights the 61st Commission for Social Development (CSocD61), whose theme was “Full and Productive Employment and Decent Work for All: Overcoming Inequalities to Accelerate Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Full Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” It is reported that the NGO was particularly involved in this event, including Jean Quinn a member of the panel, who addressed the participants at the opening session; and the presentation of the Civil Society Declaration. The text of the Declaration is available on the web. Links are also provided to the recordings of the panels and other relevant documents.

Participants at the 61st Commission on Social Development (CSocD61) at the United Nations, which took place from February 6 to 15, 2023.

There are also links to learn more about the first UN Water Conference which takes place from March 22 to 24 (see the full program).

New publication

Among the new publications, we must highlight the recent publication of the International Presentation Association (IPA). This network of the Congregation of the Presentation Sisters, with communities in some twenty countries, was founded in 1988. While working in partnership with other organizations, this network has chosen to focus on “the elimination of violence against women and children” as its advocacy theme at the UN.

It has just released a second publication entitled “Policies for Gender Justice; Practices in addressing domestic violence and gender stereotypes.” The publication highlights the synergies and collaborations between governments and civil society organizations to address the issues.

This March issue presents a new testimony. This time it is about the commitment of a Religious Sister to immigrants in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The usual elements, including the list of resources, complete this publication which is available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.