The On-Going Saga of the Mont-Carmel Residence

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The decision of the Court of Appeal on January 18 to accept to hear the owner of the Mont-Carmel residence, on his request to appeal the Superior Court judgment of October 2022, has not dampened the spirits of the Mont-Carmel residents’ committee.

Some residents of the Mont-Carmel RPA are seen with about fifty supporters In the lobby of the Court of Appeal last January.

While admitting that this decision was a bit of damper, upon analysis, the committee members believe that this rehearing may uncover other things. In addition, this proceeding will not prevent the renewal of the RPA’s safeguard order from the Superior Court. Nor will it stay the ongoing contempt proceedings.

“It is unbelievable that we have to go through all these procedures to assert our rights, when the owner clearly knows what obligations he had committed to respect, when he signed the sale contract”, exclaims Suzanne Loiselle, member of the Sauvons le Mont-Carmel committee.

Aware that they are caught in a “war of attrition”, the committee members do not intend to give up. Their goal is nothing less than a change in legislation to protect RPPs.

This saga has been going on since the beginning of 2022. The new owner, Henry Zavriyev, set out to convert the building into rental units. He eliminated all the services inherent to a private residence for seniors (RPP), including security and common areas, and imposed an increase in costs. The tenants sued for damages as a result of the deterioration of their living conditions. It should be noted that this landlord has purchased two other RPPs to convert them into rental units (Montreal North and Quebec City).

To learn more and to follow the story, visit the Facebook page of the Mont-Carmel Residents’ Committee, which includes articles published on this subject. (French only)  

Note regarding the photo at the top of the page: The arrival of some of the members of the Mont-Carmel residents’ committee at the Superior Court on December 12, 2022.

Photo credits: Marie-France Dozois – Sauvons le Mont-Carmel Committee

A glimpse of one of the common rooms at the Mont-Carmel RPA which was emptied of its contents and locked, even though the material of all the common rooms belongs to the tenants.