Twenty official sites pay tribute to Eulalie Durocher

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Eulalie Durocher, known by her religious name Mother Marie-Rose and later Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, is one of 50 remarkable women honored by the Quebec Toponymy Commission. This initial list of 50 women, depicted on an interactive map, features more than 500 official place names paying tribute to them.

The Commission used the following criteria to portray diverse representatives of Quebec society:

  1. Pioneers or leading figures in various fields of activity.
  2. Historical or popular figures who have left their mark on the collective imagination.
  3. A representation of Quebec society as a whole.
  4. A desire for women from all eras to be represented.
  5. Women born or adopted in Quebec.

This interactive map, launched on International Women’s Rights Day on 8 March, will be enhanced over time to highlight the contribution of as many women as possible. The Commission recalled that there are currently nearly 4,500 official place names associated with a woman.

The interactive map lists ten places designated with the name Eulalie Durocher. We invite you to read the places and names of organizations on the table below.

Please share your knowledge of any other places or organizations named after the founder of the SNJM’s.

Eulalie-Durocher Mausoleum- Côte-des-Neiges Cemetery, Montreal (© Hugues Bouchard, photo courtesy of Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery).


Lieu, place, organismes


Maison des enfants Marie-Rose


Parc Eulalie-Durocher



Skate Park Eulalie-Durocher


Place Eulalie-Durocher


Rue Durocher


Rue Marie-Rose


Paroisse Bienheureuse-Marie-Rose-Durocher


Maison Marie-Rose-Durocher


Rue Durocher


Rue Marie-Rose


Halte Marie-Rose


Marie-Rose Chapelle (Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue Co-Cathedral)


École secondaire Eulalie-Durocher


Rue Marie-Rose (près de Lacordaire)


Eulalie-Durocher Mausoleum- Côte-des-Neiges Cemetery


Rue Eulalie-Durocher


Belvédère Eulalie-Durocher


Rue Marie-Rose


Maison de la culture Eulalie-Durocher


Rue Eulalie-Durocher


Avenue Durocher


Collège Durocher-Saint-Lambert


Rue de la Sœur-Marie-Rose