Beautiful celebrations for the SNJM 2020 jubilarians

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The 2020 Jubilarians of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) were treated to a beautiful celebration on December 3rd and 4th. After postponing the scheduled celebrations last spring, the Jubilee Committee chose to honor the Sisters according to the “bubbles” in which they live. Celebrations were held on December 3rd at Maison Jesus-Marie, and the following day, at the Congregation House.

While following social distancing guidelines, the two celebrations were animated in a spirit of joy and of thanksgiving for the jubilarians’ “constant fidelity to their life as consecrated persons.” During the celebration, the jubilarians heard a creative first reading adapted from 1 Cor.1:1-9.

This text is a letter from the Quebec community which is reproduced below. It shows appreciation and admiration for the unwavering commitment of these 25 Sisters celebrating 80, 75, 70 and 60 years of religious profession.

  • 80 years – Sister Olivette Blais
  •  75 years – Sisters Rollande Lavoie and Rita Marcoux

  • 70 years – Sisters Rita Brière, Magella Cadorette, Colombe DeGrandpré, Pierrette Dubuc, Yolande Henri, Françoise Laberge, Jeannine Lamarche (R.I.P), Suzanne Morin, Jeannine Pronovost, Éliana Vallée and Marielle Beaudoin.
  • 60 years – Sisters Françoise Angers, Yolande Charron, Suzanne Leclaire, Monique L’Écuyer, Angéline Parenteau, Laurentia St-André, Florence Verner, Jeanne Dagenais, Élisabeth Giroux, Thérèse Laplante and Jocelyne Latreille.

In 2020, the 25th anniversary of associate commitment of Madame Louise Cailhier-Quenneville was also highlighted.

In closing, we thank the Jubilee Committee (Sisters Lisette Boulé, Lise Gendron, Madeleine Marchand and Simone Perras) who planned these celebrations.

Photo credits: Sisters Suzanne Brault and Claudette Bastien

Note: The celebration booklet is available on the intranet, under Prayers/Rituals.

Letter from the Quebec community to the 2020 Jubilarians

1st Reading (adaptation of 1 Cor. 1, 1-9)


Greetings and gratitude to you, dear jubilarians,

who, by God’s will, were each called

to dedicate yourself and your life to God,

by becoming disciples of Jesus and Mary

in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary,

founded by Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher.


We give thanks for you, who were chosen in Christ Jesus

and called to be holy with all people everywhere

who invoke the Name of Jesus.


To you, grace and peace, in the name of our God!

We never cease expressing our gratitude for you,

for the grace God has given you in Christ Jesus;

in him, you have received all the riches

of faith, of speech, and of knowledge of God.


For witnessing to Christ has been firmly planted in you

and you do not lack any spiritual gift.

It was the Lord Jesus Christ who enabled you to stand firm

throughout your life of religious consecration

and of commitment to the charism of our Congregation.


It was our ever-faithful God who called you

to live in communion with his Son Jesus,

by putting all your gifts at the service of his people.


And you answered his call with the audacity of Faith,

the power of Love and the simplicity of Hope.


To you, O God, be our song of praise and thanksgiving!