Associate Reception – Commitment Ceremony   

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On November 28th, twenty –two women and two men, by means of Zoom, renewed their commitment as Associates of our Congregation.   They were joined by Rashmini  Segarajasinghe-Ernest who made promises for the first time.

Our prayer and time together was both beautiful and life-giving.  We reminded one another that we are called to listen to the message of the Gospel in our lives and to strengthen one another in our faith.  In an adaptation of the text of John Hammond, O.S.B., we prayed: “Together we will enter through the door of serenity, the silence of our hearts…we will meet there the God who in silence speaks to all creatures, the God who in silence speaks one word, the word of love.”  We were then given time to enter into the silence of our own hearts.  This was followed by a litany of thanksgiving and praise for the blessings in this time of COVID-19.

Our prayer naturally led us into proclaiming and celebrating our commitment.  There was a special moment when Rashmini pronounced her promises.  She felt honoured to be with us but we knew that we were the privileged ones.  Rashmini brings love, enthusiasm and a heart full of joy in serving.

We spent the next hour socializing and informally sharing our ministries at this time in our lives.  We have all learned new ways of reaching out to others.  We are truly blessed:  blessed in our faith and blessed in our community.

Our Zoom meeting was wonderful.  It was “so good” to be together.

Source : Sr Phyllis Douillard
Photo credit : Sr Pat O’Neill