A mini-retreat for francophone SNJM affiliates focused on the spirituality of Mother Marie-Rose

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Let us bless divine Providence who takes special care of us  

- Eulalie Durocher, 18 Oct 18...

The notes, thoughts and letters of Mother Marie-Rose were the focus in the process of the mini-retreat for the French speaking SNJM affiliates on November 21st.   In the formation meetings with associate candidates in Peru, Sr. Marjorie Moffatt used the letters of our foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, to reveal her spirituality. “I wanted them to discover for themselves how Mother Marie-Rose had faced obstacles and how she got through difficulties”, she said.

With Associate Diane Corbeil,  Sr Claudette Bastien, provincial councilor welcomed the participants  who then began their retreat with the song “Jesus and Mary, my strength and my Glory” composed by Agathe Dorge SNJM, and led by her niece, Sister Jeannine Vermette in Manitoba. Then, the reading of the story of the rocking chair reserved for Mary became the source for a rich time of sharing  and spontaneous shared prayer.

The next step was the silent reading of the short sayings of Eulalie Durocher in order to discover her spiritual journey.  These are some of the themes that were represented in these writings :

Prayer, devotion to the presence of God

Zeal for the charism of education

Patience and compassion in face of adversity

Good leadership

Discernment and seeking the will of God

A grateful heart

Union with God

This mini-retreat took into account and valued the personal experience of the participants who chose their favourite sayings, and commented on them, explaining what resonated most with them.

Besides the moments of interiority and reflection, the retreat gave priority to moments of sharing which this internet encounter allowed for, both in small groups  and all together.  The full participation of the participants demonstrated that they identified with Mother Marie-Rose and that they had a close and intimate relationship with her.

After lunch in two groups, the second half of the retreat proceeded with a reflective reading of a few chosen letters of Mother Marie-Rose with comments from the presenter and then from the participants.  By the evaluation of those present, we can be sure that the retreat was energizing and allowed for a better knowledge of the spirituality of Blessed Mother Marie-Rose.

The retreat concluded with comments from Sister Claudette, and the song : “ I Have Come to Cast Fire on the Earth”  Here is another one of her sayings :

“When our responsibility is great and weighs heavily upon us, need we complain? God is leading us.” (December 1844)

It is the hope of the organizers that the retreat allowed each one to identify elements most likely to help in our daily life, especially in times of adversity.

We recall that a similar retreat was held on Zoom with the SNJM earlier this year.